Technical / UX Writing

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Project Details

Budget - The total amount billed to the client for the project (set on Project Profile).

Labor - The sum of labor costs based on APPROVED time only.

Overhead - Calcuated cost: overhead % * labor = overhead (set on the Project Profile).

Expenses - The sum of expenses costs. Expenses are recorded at the bottom of the Project Details page.

Total Costs - Calcuated costs: labor + overhead + expenses = total costs.

Profit/Loss $ - Calcuated amount: budget - total costs

Profit/Loss % - Calcuated percentage: total costs / budget

Project Profile

Overhead % - Used to calcuate overhead costs for a project. Labor * Overhead % = Overhead. This value is visible as a cost in a Project Details page.

Allow Future Weeks Entry - If checked, it allows user to enter and submit time sheets in future weeks for the particular project, otherwise the user will be denied the ability to submit.

Include in Time Sheets Export - Some projects and overhead projects are meant to be used for record keeping only and do not require payroll processing (eg, Unpaid Time Off).

Include in Overhead Calculations - Particular Overhead projects (eg, Sick or Vacation) do not calculate into overtime hours/costs for an individual.

Time Approvers - Users assigned to a project or overhead project that have the access level to approve the associated line items.

User Profile

First Name - Legal first name

Last Name - Legal last name

Nickname - The preferred first name that the user goes by

Email - Email address that user will use to log into Simple

Payroll ID - Used to integrate with Payroll systems

Systems ID - Used to integrate with IT systems

Alernate ID - Used to integrate with additional sytems

Phone Number - Mobile, Home, or Work Number

Active - When active, the user is able to access your organization's version of Simple. Setting to inacive will remove access and your organization from their login options.

Auto-Renew - The user's account will stay active until manually deactivated. If unselected, the user account will be deactivated at the end of the month.

Contracts - A contract contains a location, rate type, rate amount, start and end date for a user. Multiple contracts can exists, but none can overlap.

Roles - A role contains a department, position, level, start and end date for a user. Multiple roles can exists and they can overlap.

Time Sheet Delegate Access - Allow another user to fill in the time sheet for this user (common for C-Suite or Execs). This is typically left unassigned.